Privacy statement

Privacy statement Accommodation provider on Terschelling

Your privacy

As an accommodation provider on Terschelling, it makes every effort to guarantee your privacy as best as possible. The information you provide will be treated confidentially.

The processing of personal data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR May 2018).

In this privacy statement, the undersigned informs you how and by whom your data is handled.


This privacy statement applies to all requests, bookings, reservations and requests for information that you make.

Accommodation provider details;

Name: Mr. R. Terpstra (owner)

Activity: The rental of accommodation facility.

Your data

Regarding For the activity described above, the accommodation provider requires limited personal data from the booker for administration and correspondence. This is limited to that of the main booker (contact person).

The booker, the contact person, is aware that the provision of her personal data to the accommodation provider and/or its business relations is necessary for its business operations and is done on a voluntary basis.

If possible, the accommodation provider will contact the (former) booker for the most efficient possible business operations. If the (former) booker indicates that he or she will not appreciate this, this request will be respected.

The accommodation provider thus complies with the legal basis that gives it the right to process personal data.

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1. The accommodation and rental details can be found via;

Accommodation provider website

Website: VVV Terschelling
Website: op-Terschelling

No personal data is stated on these websites.

3. The accommodation provider stores the minimum required personal data digitally and on paper.

a. Digital: these, received in whatever form, are stored on the accommodation provider's PC at its private address. This PC is sufficiently protected against theft, loss or other unlawful use of this data.

Help files drawn up by the accommodation provider are limited to stating the name and place of residence of the booker and are drawn up in Excel. These files are protected.

Other than stated under point 4, these files are not shared.

b. Paper: these (prints) are arranged and stored in a folder in order of year.

These files are not shared.

Required personal data of the main booker are;

- Name
- Address
- E-mail address
– Mobile telephone number (not required but advised)

4. Digital provision of personal data of the main booker in relation to rentals only takes place to;

Park manager Terschelling: name, address and country abbreviation. This is for the purpose of paying tourist tax.

5. Retention period of personal data;

Digital data to the extent deemed necessary for correct and lawful business operations.

Destruction by permanently deleting the file (delete).

Paper version to the extent deemed necessary for efficient and lawful business operations.

Destruction by shredder.

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Your rights

You have the right to view your personal data and to request correction, improvement, blocking or deletion of your Personal Data.


You can submit complaints about non-compliance with the foregoing or complaints for other reasons to the undersigned and/or to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Contact details

Do you have any questions or comments after reading this privacy statement? Please feel free to contact the signed.

Thus stated by;

mr. R. Terpstra